% Autogenerated by ./otftex_install.py on 2005/06/04
\ProvidesPackage{minion}[2005/06/04 Minion Pro]
This package is with LaTeX2e and provides the package "minion" (meaning you can use it as "\usepackage{minion}").

fontenc and textcomp come with standard LaTeX installations these days. Here, fontenc is used with the LY1 encoding.

nfssext.sty must be fetched from fontinst and needs to be in the same directory as the style file.

The font can be declared with lining or oldstyle options. The default (below) is oldstyle, which uses the "j" family of fonts which were built with oldstyle figures. Lining uses the "x" family, built with lining figures.

By default, if declared with no options, roman text (\textrm) will use Minion with oldstyle figures.
