Other Game Sites

John Tippett's gamecontrol.com, centered around Microsoft Games, and Snitch's Stanford Game description are both great references.

The folks at Just Passing Through ran the excellent Jackpot Game.

Alexandra Dixon runs t-hunts.com, which lists Bay Area events; she hosts the annual YABA Treasure Hunt and the Bay Area Treasure Hunt.

Rich Bragg of Blood & Bones has a great page about his team's experiences.

Larry Hosken's writeups are always enjoyable and well-written.

David Lindes hosts roadrally.org which also keeps links to upcoming events as well as team links.

Princeton evidently hosts a mini-game: [ 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 ]

Jessen Yu of the Doh! Boys has a page talking about his team's experience.

Curtis Chen has Team Snout's Game page.

John Owens | Game Home Page | Last updated .